Headteacher's Weekly Update
This half term is ending with warmer Spring weather but last weekend as Storm Erik blew a gale Year 11 students and staff headed to Mersea Island for Bootcamp. This overnight stay involved teacher led slots for revising English and Maths as well as sessions on physical and mental wellbeing, motivation and generic revision skills. As Saturday morning brought with it a blast of fresh air students tackled assault courses, archery, aerial walks, climbing walls and a very tall team swing; the team work and “can do” attitude these activities required of our students is exactly what will bring them success as they approach their GCSE exams.
More outdoor activities is evident with the Duke of Edinburgh skills programme being undertaken by 50 students. They are developing their skills in different areas and volunteering in a range of places and contexts. In March they will develop the skills required for their expeditions and practise navigating their way around our fields and erecting tents.
All of these extras cannot happen without staff who give freely of their time, including weekends, to offer these opportunities to our students. We are hugely grateful to them. All of our staff support students through lunchtimes and afterschool sessions with completing homework, developing skills and working on revision for exams.
In a school community it is also important that students help one another and we have a strong tradition of that through our student leadership programmes with Pastoral and Curriculum Prefects supporting younger students in the school. Recently Year 9 and 10 Prefects trained as Peer Mentors and they will begin their work in school by supporting younger students to develop confidence and fluency in reading, a skills crucial for success in all subjects.